
Click on any of the links below to download and read published project manuscripts:

Feil, E. G., Baggett, K., Davis, B., Landry, S. H., and Sheeber, L. B. Leve, C., & Johnson, U. (2018). Randomized control trial of an internet-based parenting intervention for mothers of infants. Early Childhood Research Quarterly.

Baggett, K. M., Davis B., Feil, E. G., Landry, S. H, Sheeber, L., Leve, C., , Johnson, U., (2017). Effects of a remote intervention on parenting behavior and child abuse potential: A randomized controlled trial. Child Maltreatment, 22(4), DOI: 10.1177/1077559517712000.

Feil, E. G., Baggett, K., Davis, B., Leve, C., Landry, S. H., & Sheeber, L. B. (2014). Who participates in an Internet-based research program for mothers of infants? A secondary prevention research study among low-income families. Journal of Applied Research on Children: Informing Policy for Children at Risk, 5(1).

Baggett, K. M., Davis, B., Feil, E. G., Sheeber, L., Landry, S., Carta, J., & Leve, C. (2010). Technologies for expanding the reach of evidence-based interventions: Preliminary results for promoting social-emotional development in early childhood. Topics in Early Childhood Special Education, 29(4), 226-238.

Feil, E. G., Baggett, K. M., Davis, B., Sheeber, L., Landry, S., Carta, J., & Buzhardt, J. (2008). Expanding the reach of preventive interventions: Development of an Internet-based training for parents of infants. Child Maltreatment, 13(4), 334-346.

Sheeber, L. B., Seeley, J. R., Feil, E. G., Davis, B., Sorensen, E., Kosty, D. B., & Lewinsohn, P. M. (2012) Development and pilot evaluation of an Internet-facilitated cognitive-behavioral intervention for maternal depression. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 80(5), 739-749. doi: 10.1037/a0028820

Taylor, T. K., Webster-Stratton, C. W., Feil, E. G., Broadbent, B., Widdop, C. S., & Severson, H. H. (2008). Computer-based intervention with coaching: An example using the Incredible Years program. Cognitive Behavior Therapy, 37(4), 233-246.

Feil, E. G., Sprenglemeyer, P., Davis, B., & Chamberlain, P. (2012). Development and testing of a multimedia Internet-based system for fidelity and monitoring of Multidimensional Treatment Foster Care, Journal of Medical Internet Research, 14(5): e139.